Makam Trio-Mevlüt Akgüngör(Ney),Robert Micin(Ud),Hilde De Clercq(Percussion)

Makam Trio

makam Trio was born out of the musical encounter between Mevlüt Akgüngör (ney/reedflute) and Robert Micin (oud). Together they play pieces from the vast repertoire of Ottoman music and the mystical Sufi music such as taksims, peshrevs, ilahi’s and sazsemai’s in various makams. On this concert they will perform with a special guest, the Ghent based percussionist Hilde De Clercq and create an immersive musical experience.

Mevlüt Akgüngör has been passionate about music since childhood. At a young age, he received his first musical instruction from his father in traditional and religious singing. He started his musical career with the saz (Turkish long neck lute), but soon his interest switched over to the Ney, a Turkish reed flute that is seen as a central instrument in both classical Turkish music and the more religious Sufi music. He followed various workshops and master classes with masters such as Ömer Erdoğdular, Derya Türkan, Christos Barbas and Ross Daly. The great ney masters Niyazi Sayın, Sadreddin Özçimi and Ömer Erdoğdular are his main musical inspirations along with other greats of classical Turkish music such as Tanburi Cemil Bey, Necdet Yaşar, Ihsan Özgen, Bekir Sıdkı Sezgin and Kani Karaca.

Robert Micin has been playing ud for nearly 15 years. After a first music career in the world of rock and electric guitar because of his interest in other musical experiences he bought an oud during a trip to Istanbul, and started taking lessons at the Arab Cultural Centre in Liège with several great musicians from the Arab world: Raed Khoshaba (Iraq), Anwar Abou Dragh (Iraq), Azzouz El Houri (Morocco) and Elias Bachoura (Syria). In addition to these weekly lessons, he participated in workshops and master classes in Belgium and abroad (Greece, Germany, France) with, among others. Adel Salameh (Palestine), Tarek Abdallah (Egypt), Nassir Shamma (Iraq), among others.

Hilde De Clercq studied both western music and eastern percussion and singing, and has a passion for Turkish music. As a percussionist, singer and movement artist, she was and is active in several ensembles. In 2016, she released the cd 'Sudan Sebepler' in Turkey, with the record label Kalan, featuring interpretations of Turkish traditional music and her own compositions. She creates children's performances with Osama Abdulrasol, including Dag Djinn, for "Jeugd en Muziek", and Tulp Vertelt. The new performance "Bablief?" recently premiered at HaConcerts in Ghent. She has been programming Turkish music for the digital music provider Stingray since 2001.
She has been teaching darboeka and bendir at Centrale since 1996.

Art Base, Friday 6/9/24 17h, 15E ( reduced 10E for students under 26 and jobseekers),
29 rue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to
- Réservation préférable
15( reduit 10)
Tous publics

Vendredi: de 20:00 à 23:00

Le 6 septembre


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